WordPress as solid as it is will occasionally be victim to hack attempts and people trying to damage your blog in various ways, unfortunately this is the way of the world nowadays.
You can change locations, alter your .htaccess or put extra layers of security down on your server or hosting which will help, but there are a number of plugins which will beef up your blog security a little more, here goes:
Login LockDown WordPress Security
This records the IP address of failed login attempts, after a number of failed attempts the plugin locks the user out for a set time limit. This helps to protect your blog against brute force attacks.
WP Security Scan
WP Security Scan actually scans your site for any vulnerabilities then will offer a list of suggestions of the best way to fix the issues it finds.
AntiVirus for WordPress
This plugin looks for malicious injections and any possible attacks on your blog as a number of worms and malware can attack WordPress.
Secure WordPress
This removes error messages on login pages, adds index.html files to directories to prevent people viewing your file structure, removes WP versions and also offers a few more safety fixes.
BackUpWordPress allows you to backup your WordPress install, it has options for files, as well as your database and its tables within.
WP Sentry
This plugin is for access-restricted posting which allows discussions and articles to be posted without the search engines finding and then indexing them.
Stealth Login
Stealth Login cleverly creates custom URLs for logging in and out and for your registration pages. You also can block anyone from visiting wp-login.php directly.
Admin Log
This keeps a log of who access what and when in your WP admin section, this is useful if you have a number of blog admin staff.
Limit Login Attempts
WordPress by default has no limit of the amount of attempts you have to login to your blog, this plugin allows you to limit that number, which will block any potential login attacks.
All Done!
With the security hacks earlier this week, and now finishing up with a roundup of effective plugins you have no excuse not beef up your WordPress install’s security, try them out and see what is best for you.